- Introduction
- Hardware
- Magic Lantern
- Epidiascope
- Projectors
- Radio
- Tape Recorder
- Television
- Closed Circuit Television
- Motion Pictures
- Computer
In the category of mass media, designated as hardware, we usually include those machine like appliances and equipment which are considered to be technical in terms of their composition and working. These are designed and operated on sound scientific principles and technical knowledge. Since the material used in their body is relatively a hard material and their operation and working is technical and complex, these equipment and appliances are designated with the adjective hard, and this is why, we call them as "hardware" in contrast to other teaching aid materials named as "software". Such teaching-learning aid material, designated as hardware, may include the following appliances or equipments.
Hardware, as an instructional aid represents those machine-like appliances and equipments that are considered to be technical and scientific in terms of their composition and working. Since the material used in their composition is relatively a hard matrerial and their operation and working is technical and complex, these equipment and appliances are called with the adjective hard and hence we call them "hardware". Magic lantern, epidiascope, projectors, radio, tape recorder, television, motion pictures and computers are some of the examples of hardware.
Magic Lantern is the ancientmost hardware used as an instructional aid, for the projection of pictures from a transparency (slide) on wall or screen. For making its use a transparent slide of a small figure in first prepared and then placed into a part of the magic lantern called "slide carrier". The magic lantern device projects its larger and sharper image on the screen for the clear viewing.
It consists of a strong source of light (lamp), reflector (concave mirror), condensing lens, slide carrier and objective lens. All these elements are contained in a lightweight metal case.
Epidiasope is an advanced magic lantern, as it can project opaque objects, also in addition to the transparent slides. With it's help, any picture can be enlarged on the screen without tearing it off from the book. No slide is needed for this purpose. In this way, the device serves two purpose. When it is used to project an opaque object it works as episcope and when it is used to project slides (by operating a lever), then it serves as diascope.
Called epidiascope because it employs the principle of horizontal line projection with a lamp, plane mirror and projection lens. A steering light from the lamp falls on the opaque object. A plane mirror plced at an angle of 45 degrees over the object, reflects the light so that is passes through the projection lens forming a magnified image on the screen.
1. Various slides related to the subject can be easily shown by projecting on the screen in their enlarged forms with the help of this device
2. The major advantage of epidiascope lies in its ability to directly project the non-transparent or opaque objects available in their real form. Consequently, various types of useful materials related to teaching contents may be successfully presented for the proper view of the entire class. Such material may include:
- Graphic and pictorial materials like - pictures, charts, maps, diagrams, timelines, cartoons, posters, graphs, etc.
- Handwritten material, drawing and sketches
- Stamps, coins, stone materials, remains of historical/cultural intersets
- Specimens of living and non-living objects
- Models. pieces of arts, figures, etc.
3. The use of epidiascope may have another extra advantage on account of its capacity to help in the projection of graphic aids like pictures, charts, maps, diagrams, graphs, timelines, etc. For such purpose may be directly put on the platform of the epidiascope to be projected on the sheet of paper stitched/clamped on the screen and then the necessary drawings may be drawn with the help of colored pencils.
Projectors classified as slide-cum filmstrip projectors, overhead projectors and opaque and epidiascope.
A slide-cum filmstrip projector can be utilized for the projection of slides as well as filmstrip.
For the basic use of this type of projectors, the searcher in charge should try to gain competency in the task of handling the switches meant for the operation of various functions of the equipment along with the certain needed precautions. After that he/she can insert the desired filmstrip/slides one by one at the proper time of their instructional use and keep them on the screen as long as it is necessary.
Slide-Cum Filmstrip Projector |
The overhead projector usually need in our school classrooms, can project transparency carrying printed and handwritten material and/or graphics. The uniqueness may be summarized as follows:
1. It contains an area of vertical projection besides the straight horizontal path of light available with the usual projectors. The path of the light rays is again changed to a horizontal one by a mirror place at 45 degree angle and continues over the shoulder of the teacher.
2. It contains a large aperture of the size 25 x 25 cm or 20 x 20 cm for placing the slides and other visual materials.
3. It provides for the focusing of the image on the screen by vertical movements of the projections head (containing the objective lens and mirror).
4. There is a provision of a constant flow of air past the lamp by a cooling fan in the base of the projector.
1. It contains an area of vertical projection besides the straight horizontal path of light available with the usual projectors. The path of the light rays is again changed to a horizontal one by a mirror place at 45 degree angle and continues over the shoulder of the teacher.
2. It contains a large aperture of the size 25 x 25 cm or 20 x 20 cm for placing the slides and other visual materials.
3. It provides for the focusing of the image on the screen by vertical movements of the projections head (containing the objective lens and mirror).
4. There is a provision of a constant flow of air past the lamp by a cooling fan in the base of the projector.
Overhead Projector |
Opaque Projector |
Radio is a type of hardware device that can assist the process of teaching and learning by calling up on the auditory senses of the learners through its regular and organized services of educational broadcasting. Radio is the most significant medium for education. As a supplement to classroom teaching its possibilities are almost unlimited. Its teaching possibilities are not confined to the five or six hours of the school day. It is available from early morning till long after midnight. By utilizing the rich educational and cultural offerings of the radio, children and adults in communities, however more remote, have access to the best of the world's stores of knowledge and art.These broadcasts are of 2 types:
1. General broadcast providing general information about the events and happenings assimilating knowledge about the worlds, culture and life.
2. Educational broadcast specifically prepared and broadcast for serving the cause of education and classroom in the form of radio lesson, lectures, etc.
The Educational Advantages of Radio Broadcasting:
1. Makes it possible to listen to the lectures, talks, discussions and seminar proceedings of educational interest in which renowned authors, educationalist, leading scholars and other important personalities may participate.2. Though its planned and sequenced classroom lessons on various topics related to school subjects, may provide much assistance to the classroom teacher in realizing the instructional objectives.
3. Has a potentially of becoming a potent source of education as these are capable of integrating education with the real life experience on one hand and healthy entertainment and source of pleasure on the other.
4. As a mass media, it proves a highly economical source of educational interactions. Its advantage may reach uniformly to millions of its listeners by breaking distance and time barriers. The cost per capita of listeners in educational broadcasting service is almost negligible.
5. Capable of solving various problems in the field of education arising out of the shortage of man-material resources. The learner population is increasing day by day. The courses of instructions are widening. Its not possible to provide the benefits of education to such a large number of learners with the desired efficiency without the aid of an effective medium like radio broadcasting.
How to Utilize Radio Broadcasting in the Classroom:
1. The teacher must acquaint himself with the schedule and programmes of these broadcasts through the relevant available literature.2. He/She must carefully think and plan the integration of the scheduled broadcasting progamme with his/her classroom teaching.
3. The teacher must try to prepare his/her students as adequately and possible educationally as well as psychologically to properly get the knowledge and experiences, imparted through a radio broadcast.
4. He/She should seek proper control of the environmental situation, physical conditions and learning environment for the proper utilization of radio broadcasting. Making sure every student hear a clear signal.
5. Radio broadcasting should have an adequate follow-up programme. There should be a lively discussion over the learning objectives achieved through the broadcasting.
Limitations & Shortcomings:
Radio broadcasting suffers from some limitations and shortcomings as follows:
1. The educational value depends merely on the use of the sense of hearing. A continued listening on the part of the students may make them uninterested and non-attentive
2.It reduces the task of teaching and learning as a one way communication. Students have little opportunity to participate in the instructional activity other than in a passive way.
3. Difficult to schedule programmes which will be acceptable to the majority of the students. They find it hard ti integrate these programmes with their own instructional activities in the school.
4. Students and teachers both face difficulties in having adequate preparation for the utilization of the off-the-air broadcasts on account of the adequate pre-information, and manual or guides
However, these can be overcome with a little more effects on the part of the teachers and the concerned authorities.
Television, though as a regular and organized services of educational telecasting in this respect, goes a step further as it can prove beneficial to the learners by calling up on their senses of hearing and sight simultaneously at a time. The major disadvantage in getting benefit from the educational services of the radio lies in the fact that their schedule and the nature of information and knowledge furnished by them are not in the hands of its users. It can be tackled if we may record these programmes by utilizing the services of a tape recorder or video cassette.
Such use of these device, tape recorder, can be quite effectively used for rendering help in some other teaching-learning tasks or activities like language learning, skill acquisition and the task of behaviour modification.
Educational Advantages:
1. It is quite helpful in the learning of some special subjects like music, dramatics and langauge.
2. It helps in overcoming poor speech habits and correcting speech defects.
3. It helps in the development of conversation skill expression power and the techniques of effective dramatization.
4. On account of its recording service, it may work as an effective id for the evaluation of teaching-learning programme.
5. It may help in the organization, conduct and evaluation of the various co-curricular activities of the instruction.
6. it may help in preparing recorded educational progammes to be used for the instructional purposes.
7. It may supplement the educational outputs of the radio and television broadcasts and the invited guest lecturers.
8. It may record valuable help in preparing commentary for the display of filmstrips and slides.
9. It may be used in recording the working of the various seminars, workshops and conferences organized into invitations.
10. It may help in behaviour modifications task and encoding the classroom events.
11. It may help a tearcher for the assessment of his/her own behaviour and teaching task.
Television is a powerful medium of communication that calls for the use of auditory as well as visual sense of the learners in receiving education. From a large distance, this appliance make us able to transmit instantly every spoken or written word, pictures, sights and sounds and the action of events as they take place.
Educational Values
1. It may be helpful for a teacher in his personal growth. He/She may learn the skill and art of his profession by observing the TV programme.
2. It can bring models of excellence to the students. They can view and hear the work and talk of an eminent educationalist, renowned teacher, creative scientist and an excellent demonstrator, musician or artist.
3. Televised instructions have the potentiality of improving the process and products of learning as they involve through planning, systematic presentation and integration of a wide range of audio-visual material and appliance.
4. TV programmes prove helpful in upgrading the curriculum and enriching the educational programme more easily and economically.
5. It can display the world of reality in the classroom through its screen, very often quite unaccessible, impossible or expensive to the students.
6. It helps the teacher as well as students in the realization of teaching-learning objectives.
7. As an educational device, may offer some solution for the problems of shortage in education. Shortage of good teachers, classrooms, audio-visual aids and other resources may be overcome through the planned televised programme.
8. It instructions bring greater equality of opportunities for all pupils.
9. In the form of educational media, may help in making school a place for community welfare and education.
The system of closed circuit television can bring wonders in arranging properly organized and sequential educational progammes and learning experiences to a particular group of learners on the local level in a limited region. In contrast to the conventional open system of telecasting, a CCTV system provides a free hand to its users in the matter of production, relay and recption of the educational programmes very much in tune with their specific teaching-learning needs as a local level in a specific region.
Use and Significance of CCTV:
1. It can help in extending the range of classroom activities from a single room to many adjacent rooms of a school or schools situated in the neighbourhood and covered through cables.
2. Helps a number of viewers at a time to view the exhibits demonstration and other essential practical activities.
3. Provides a proper platform for having the desired exchange of man-material resources, learning and instructional activities and courses and events not only among the students and staff of the same institution
4. Prove quite beneficial in making the students learn and master the art and techniques of many skill with precision and accuracy.
5. May help an institution/group to device a system of televised instruction in accordance with the learning and instructional needs of their students.
The display of motion pictures may become an effective instructional aid in the hardware category by calling up on both the auditory and visual senses of the learners. It goes a step ahead to television in norms of proving more educationally advantageous as it may provide teachers and students more liberty in terms of the choices of instructional programme as its disposal and also in terms of the timings and place of viewing the film. They can also view and review the entire film or its portion the getting the benefits in terms of copying an action, practicing a skill or modelling a behaviour.
Examples of Motion Pictures (photos: Google.com) |
The use of computer is the latest and the most useful link in the use of hardware technology in the field of teaching-learning. Their use and application has almost revolutionized the field of instruction and education. The services rendered through them in the form of the utilization of multimedia word processing, power presentation, database management, archieval and storage of informations, access to Internet and worldwide web services, e-learning, tele and videoconferencing etc. have been proving their worth in the planning, organization, execution and controlling of all the tasks and activities related to education and instructions, both at the individualized and group or mass level.
Use of Computers:
1. Storehouse of knowledge and informations
2. Proving a good source of self-instructions to the students
3. Providing education through simulation and gaming
4. Helping the teachers in their and professional growth
5. Best substitute of the traditional teaching aids
6. Helping teachers in various other tasks related to teaching-learning
Very useful notes and thank you